
Search Process

Our Process starts with Comprehensive Company/Client discussion:

  • Company overview, values, market and focus
  • Position details, scope of responsibility, timing, success factors, promotion opportunities
  • Identification of "must haves" and desired

We perform a Market Analysis:

  • Compensation, Cost of Living, location advantages, work/life balance

We develop the position profile and matching candidate profile desired

We develop a recruiting road map with our recruiting team with weekly and daily reviews

We begin candidate sourcing with first, second, and third level qualifying:

  • Drive for Results - Focused achievement discussions, action plans, tracking, and measuring results
  • Planning and Organizing - people, process, production
  • Facilitating Change - aligning performance for success
  • Motivation - facilitating change
  • Decision Making - business acumen, strategic and daily management
  • Discussions when applicable with passive references relative to past and current performance

We submit the top three candidates with summary profiles and CV and, or resume 

The client Interviewing stages are set:

  • Work closely with candidates to prep at each level
  • Feedback provided following each interview
  • Maintain interest and debrief until closure
  • References 360

We move into the Negotiation & Offer stage:

  • Coaches against counter-offers
  • Acceptance and pre-onboarding

Follow up with candidate and client through on boarding period and six months

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What Our Clients Say:

""In today's highly competitive and rapidly changing business environment, finding the best talent is critical. Underwood Recruiting has played a key... - Thomas Nutting, Sr. Human Resources Manager
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